GIT F.U.C. (Frequently Used Commands)
Every developer uses GIT every day and this is a practical list of F.U.C.
(Frequently Used Commands).
When we work on a project based on a standard “Git flow” situation, we have to create our feature branch using:
git checkout -b <feat-xyz>
This command will check out our code on a branch “feat-XYZ” (and create it if it doesn’t exist) starting from the current branch.
To discover what is the current and the available branches:
git branch # or git branch -b (to explore remote branches)
To check the status of our branch (uncommitted files and their diffs):
git status
To add untracked files to your Git:
git add <file>
#or git add --all
To restore uncommitted changes
git restore <file>
To stash/reset local diffs:
git stash
#or git reset --hard origin/<remote-branch>
#or git reset --hard && git clean -df
To stash our files and prepare them for a commit:
git add <file name> # or git add --all (to add all files)
To create a commit:
git commit -a -m "<some messagge>"
To share our code, we have to push on remote our commits:
git push # or git push -u origin <feat-xyz>
To receive remote updates:
git pull # or git fetch && git pull
To rename the last commit:
git commit --amend
git push origin --force-with-lease
To merge our branch into another (final branch):
# Rebase a feat-branch on the final branch
git checkout <final-branch>
git pull
git checkout <feat-xyz>
# use git rebase <final-branch>
# or better (-i squashs all commits… no -i doesn’t)
git rebase -i <final-branch>
# Leave just one commit changing “pick” with “f” letter
git push origin --force-with-lease
To add a TAG to your project:
git tag -a v1.4 -m "my version 1.4"
To retrieve a list of all tags:
git tag -l